Brokerage Event on French-German collaboration in AI

Join our online brokerage event on March 16, 2021!

The French and German Ministries of the Economy via Bpi (French Public Investment Bank) and DLR-PT (DLR Project Management Agency) announced on February 3rd, 2021 the launch of a Joint Call for Proposals* dedicated to the funding of French-German innovation projects on Artificial Intelligence technologies for risk prevention, crisis management and resilience.

=> Go to the Call for Proposals: German / French

The Academy wishes to encourage collaborations between academic and industrial experts in order to initiate highly promising AI research projects in the framework of this call.

Thus, the GFA is organizing an online brokerage event in order to share more information about this bilateral German-French call for projects, meet fellow experts and initiate new projects.

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future aims at:

  • Fostering the German-French cooperation in AI
  • Providing information on the “Joint Call for Proposals on Innovation projetcs on AI technologies”
  • Connecting you to potential partners
  • Fostering ideas matching and networking between industry experts and researchers from TUM and IMT
  • Leveraging the expertise of its community and pushing forward joint proposals

11:25 – Greetings & Introduction

11:30 – Presentation of the Call for Proposals on Innovation Projects on AI Techologies

                Ask your questions to Bpi and DLR-PT contact persons

12:00 – Industry experts pitches and presentation of uses cases

              Academic pitches from TUM and IMT researchers

13:30 – Breakout sessions

14:00 – Closing

Registration required for pitches.

Please return the registration form before Monday, March 15th, 2021 at noon (CET) to and

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