[TALK31] Enabling Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy – Kemal Akkaya (FIU, USA)

On Fri, May 12th, 2023, 3pm CET, Kemal Akkaya (Florida International University, USA), will talk about “Enabling Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy“. You are cordially invited to come or join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/31 with your interested friends!

Trailer: https://youtu.be/qeWtIY3X2A4
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7061340540599971840
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/769049331352499/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwkWFueBBAU?list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream

Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr

Help us spreading the news

The best talks are those with an interested diverse audience! Therefore, please use the following media to spread the news in your networks: 

Thank you!


Internet of Things (IoT) devices from tiny sensors to autonomous cars are becoming an indispensable part of life. To create an effective IoT ecosystem, it is critical to enable paid data and service sharing among IoT devices which will require the ability to make a machine-to-machine (M2M) payment to a service provider for services such as parking, vehicle charging, sensor data sale, internet sharing, vending machine among others. Since this ecosystem will be dependent on financial micro-transactions among IoT devices, a reliable payment system without human intervention is desirable for a seamless experience. As IoT evolves over time, cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin, can play a critical role by serving as digital money in creating such an M2M economy. The successful integration of IoT and Bitcoin technologies will foster this M2M economy by introducing novel applications such as automated payment among sensing devices, and programmable financial transactions for consumer electronics. Nevertheless, this brings many new challenges to be tackled as it is imperative to have cost and space-efficient real-time cryptocurrency solutions for resource constrained IoT devices. In this talk, we will first discuss the elements of M2M crypto economy and then present some solutions that can enable making Bitcoin transactions from IoT devices through Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) and how LN solutions can be helpful in making offline transactions among IoT devices. 

Watch the trailer here.

Kemal Akkaya

Dr. Kemal Akkaya is a full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a joint courtesy appointment in the School of Computer and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). He received his PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County in 2005 and joined the department of Computer Science at Southern Illinois University (SIU) as an assistant professor. Dr. Akkaya was an associate professor at SIU from 2011 to 2014.  Dr. Akkaya leads the Advanced Wireless and Security Lab (ADWISE) in the ECE Dept. His current research interests include security and privacy, internet-of-things, and cyber-physical systems.  He is the EiC of Springer Computer Science journal, area editor of Elsevier Ad Hoc Network and Computer Networks Journal and serves on the editorial board of IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials. Dr. Akkaya was the General Chair of IEEE LCN 2018 and TPC Chair for IEEE ICC Smart Grid Communications.  Dr. Akkaya was listed among the top 2% scientists in the world according to a Stanford University study in 2019. He also received FIU Faculty Senate Excellence in Research Award and FIU College of Engineering and Computing Research Award both in 2020. Dr. Akkaya is a Fellow of IEEE.

About Florida International University (FIU)

FIU is Miami’s public research university. Offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, both on campus and fully online, FIU is worlds ahead in its service to the academic and local community. Designated as a top-tier research institution, FIU emphasizes research as a major component in the university’s mission. For over four decades, FIU has positioned itself as one of South Florida’s anchor institutions by solving some of the greatest challenges of our time. It is dedicated to enriching the lives of the local and global community. With a student body of more than 56,000, FIU is among the top 10 largest universities in the US and has collectively graduated more than 275,000 alumni, 165,000 of whom live and work in South Florida.


The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.

The event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/

Call for proposals: Education & Knowledge 2023

Context of the Call for Proposals

The digital revolution has drastically changed the landscape of industries, paving the way the for Industry of the Future. With the emergence of advanced technologies and increased automation, it has become imperative for higher education institutions to incorporate up-to-date learning formats to meet the skill-set demands of current industrial needs. Alongside traditional classroom teaching, innovative learning methodologies such as workshops, hackathons and PhD schools are gaining importance. Hackathons are commonly used to cultivate problem-solving and brainstorming abilities in students. Workshops and PhD schools provide students with hands-on experience and exposure to real-world challenges. Networking with experts from the industry and the academic field is also a major asset. These formats enable students to stay abreast of cutting-edge technologies and develop competencies needed for careers in the Industry of the Future. Consequently, the integration of such modern learning formats can be a game-changer for higher education institutions looking to prepare students for the latest developments in the industry.

Objectives of the Call for Proposals

The call is addressed to researchers from TUM and IMT or to researchers that want to team up with researchers of these institutions. (In the second case the GFA can help you find collaborators from these institutions. Please contact us beforehand.) It is obligatory to have minimum one founding member of the GFA (IMT or TUM) involved in your proposal. As it is one of our core missions to foster the French-German relations, it is very important to us that the project takes place on a French-German scale.

The GFA supports:

  • High quality events, such as:
    • Hackathons
    • PhD Schools
    • Scientific Workshops and scientific symposia
    • Other innovative event-like formats
  • Initiation of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees or Doctoral Colleges,
  • Executive educational programs for professionals
  • Projects regarding education and life-long learning aspects for students, young graduates and companies, especially new and creative formats.

Please note: The production of new online courses (MOOCs) will not be supported in this CfP.

Expected Outcomes

Expected outcomes of the CfP “Education & Knowledge” include increased French-German and European collaboration in higher education through initiatives such as Erasmus Mundus and the French-German organization of scientific events. With this call the GFA wants to promote innovation in teaching and learning formats, including new approaches for digital campuses, digital exams, and hybrid formats.

We also expect the development and exchange of good practices in higher education. This could include sharing successful strategies for student engagement, enhancing diversity and inclusion, and improving academic outcomes in our French-German network and beyond.

Through the call informal learning formats beyond universities’ walls, such as workshops, hackathons, and PhD schools are supported. This would help foster collaboration and skill-sharing between students, young entrepreneurs, and industrial experts.

To ensure participants are equipped with interdisciplinary capabilities, career competencies, and technological skills, the call could promote the delivery of such capabilities and encourage knowledge exchange between graduate or PhD students and industry experts.

Overall, we expect our call for proposals to help strengthen the quality and relevance of higher education across French-German and European universities, while also preparing participants for success in their future careers. More generally, the GFA is also strongly interested in German-French collaborations.

Time frame

  • Launch of the call: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
  • Deadline for submission: Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, EOB
  • Evaluation Committee: Week 26, 2023 (exact date tbc)
  • Notification of the selected projects: Monday, July 10th, 2023
  • Kick-off of the project: September 2023 (the latest)

Please find the full CfP and the application template here!

We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact Olivia Pahl (olivia.pahl@imt.fr) or Diane Baumer (diane.baumer@tum.de).

[TALK30] Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks – Pierre PARREND (EPITA / iCube, Unistra)

On Wed, April 19th, 2023, 2pm CET, Pierre PARREND (Laboratoire de Recherche de l’EPITA / Laboratoire ICube – Unistra), will talk about “Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks“. You are cordially invited to come or join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/30 with your interested friends!

Trailer: https://youtu.be/eiRdUH8yMHk
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7052340159396139008/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1698222957276297/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud1SieWVq10?list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream

Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr

Help us spreading the news

The best talks are those with an interested diverse audience! Therefore, please use the following media to spread the news in your networks: 

Thank you!


Machine Learning (ML) is now a key asset in security operations for the classification of malware or malicious web sites through combinations of network, system or software properties, anomaly detection by identification of deviating behaviours. Challenges for efficient and scalable use remain wide open, as the issue of training future professionals in a domain that requires high level of proficiency both in system and network technologies and in machine learning models and theory. Nonetheless, the technologies are sufficiently mature to be pervasive in security devices like supervision (Splunk), EDR/XDR (Thetris, DarkTrace) or SOAR (), as well as in security teams focusing in SOC or forensics.

However, while ML is a powerful tool for analyzing dominant behaviours and deviations thereof, it falls short in detecting weak signals, complex attacks like APTs, and more generally taking the relationships between messages, machines or network into account. Specific models have emerged to address these issues, which need to radically switch the analysis approach: the individual packets are no longer significant, their sequence is. Individual machines are not working stand alone, their interactions build the capability – and the threats – to the network. Security analysis therefore needs to leave the now common Euclidian, multi-dimensional ML models to face the complex interactions of machines and communications, nodes and their binding vertices, that is to say: the non-Euclidian domain of graph analytics.

In this talk, we present how the combination of attack graphs, graph theoretical metrics and graph learning enhance the well-mastered ML models for detection of attacks and address two critical phases for attack detection and mitigation: supervision and forensics. The graphs can take several forms: interaction graphs, considering IP or IP+Mac addresses as node definition, or scenario graphs, focusing on short-range time-windows to isolate related sessions. We illustrate their versatile capability through a wide range of cyberattacks from broadscale ransomware, scanning or denial of service attacks, to targeted attacks like spoofing, up to complex advanced persistence threat (APT) multi-step attacks.

The non-aggregative characteristics of graph models supports extended properties for explainability of attacks throughout the analytics lifecycle: data, model, output and interface. These approaches are evaluated both for information system network traces and for cyberphysical systems in industrial and medical environments.

Watch the trailer here.


Pierre Parrend is HDR Professor at EPITA and head of Security & Systems team ar LRE – Laboratoire de Recherche de l’EPITA. As a member of the ICube laboratory of the University of Strasbourg, he leads a joint project between the CSTB team (Complex Systems and Translational Bio-Informatics) of ICube and the EPITA Research Laboratory (LRE) on the use of graphs for explainable detection of cyberattacks. He is particularly interested in attack detection in medical and industrial sensor systems, in particular in the context of the ANR Correau project – Resilience through the design and security of water networks – of which ICube is a partner, and of the ANR THIA-ArtIC on connected medical objects. Pierre is also responsible for the Security & System Team, and deputy director, of the LRE. In this context, he coordinates the contribution of EPITA’s regional sites in Strasbourg, Rennes, Lyon and Toulouse to the school’s partner research laboratories. Pierre was responsible for the BICS (Biostatistics, Informatics, and Complex Systems) research platform at the ICube laboratory, and responsible for the teaching department in computer science and mathematics at ECAM Strasbourg-Europe between 2012 and 2021. He is graduated with a Habilitation to Direct Research from the University of Strasbourg (2017) and a PhD in Computer Science from INSA Lyon (2008).

About Laboratoire de Recherche de l’EPITA / Laboratoire ICube – Unistra

EPITA is a private engineering school located in France, specialized in computer science and information technology. It was founded in 1984. EPITA offers a five-year program leading to the “Ingénieur EPITA” degree recognized by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs. The school provides a curriculum focused on Computer Science and Computer Engineering

that covers various fields such as computer programming, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, software engineering, and more. 

The LRE, Laboratoire de Recherche de l’EPITA, is the research lab of EPITA. It entails five teams: Security and Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Image, Automata, and Digital Methods for Humanities, as well as three transversal axes: robotics, software performance, and machine learning applications.


The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.

The event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/

[#WisdomWednesday] Keynote “Strengthening Europe’s digital sovereignty – the Fraunhofer perspective” from Alexander Malaer & Reimund Neugebauer (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) at GFA conference: Smart World! Smart Europe? 2022

You are cordially invited to watch the keynote by Alexander Malaer and Reimund Neugebauer from the Fraunhofer Geselschaft on Youtube. Follow this link!

The conference Smart World! Smart Europe? – Conference on European Digital Sovereignty took part in Munich on May 11-12, 2022.

The conference focussed on ideas that seek to advance Digital European Sovereignty. For this purpose we brought together relevant experts from society, academia and industry. Overall the conference seeks to raise awareness on the topic of European Digital Sovereignty, and generate concrete solutions on future education, research, governance.

On the first day, we showed ideas for solutions to advance European Digital Sovereignty. On the second day, we integrated politics’, academia’s and industry’s challenges with these ideas.

Moderation: Barbara Kostolnik (Former correspondent for German Public Radio ARD in France, Political Correspondent for Bayerischer Rundfunk in Berlin)

About Alexander Malaer

Alexander Malaer is Scientific Advisor in the Presidential Staff at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

GreenHack~IT 2022 – A great first edition with IMT, TUM and ArianeGroup

That was our hackathon GreenHack~IT last December in Munich. Around 50 French and German students accepted the challenge of ArianeGroup to find ways to decrease the energy consumption in their productions sites. Check our News Article for more info & pictures.

[TALK28] Immersive crisis management, risk management and decision support – Frédérick Benaben (IMT Mines Albi, Georgia Institute of Technology)

On Wed, Feb 22nd, 2023, 2pm CET, Frédérick Benaben (IMT Albi, Georgia Institute of Technology), will talk about “Immersive crisis management, risk management and decision support“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/28 with your interested friends!

Trailer: https://youtu.be/yBvXi66s4Ek
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:7024139695294947328/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1100517861345963/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvfdO_T2-ro&list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream

Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr

Help us spreading the news

The best talks are those with an interested diverse audience! Therefore, please use the following media to spread the news in your networks: 

Thank you!


This talk explores the groundbreaking perspectives opened by the original specificities of immersive technologies in the fields of crisis management, risk management and decision support: The interest and the potential of virtual reality for training in crisis situations (of responders and citizens) will first be presented. Then, the contributions of immersive technologies, in particular in terms of facilitating interactions with artificial intelligence tools, will be illustrated through virtual and immersive cells dedicated to crisis management. Finally, the power of immersive approaches for decision support in uncertain and unstable contexts will be addressed through a third and last demonstration. In the end, different application contexts, different modes of immersion, and different users will be presented in order to cover the broadest possible perspective of the maturity of the research activities and contributions of the SIReN Lab (Sentient Immersive Response Network) between the Centre Genie Industriel of IMT Mines Albi and the Physical Internet Center of Georgia Tech.

Watch the trailer here.

Frédérick BENABEN

Frederick BENABEN is Professor at the Industrial Engineering Center of IMT Mines Albi in charge of the research axis “Security and Crisis Management”. He is the director of the IOMEGA VR lab on immersive technology for system management. He is adjunct Professor at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and co-director with Professor Benoit Montreuil of the international associated laboratory “Sentient Immersive Response Network” (SIReN Lab) between IMT Mines Albi CGI and Georgia Tech ISyE. He is affiliated professor at the 3C informatics research center of the College of Information Sciences and Technology of the Pennsylvania State University (USA).

He is adjunct professor at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University (China).

Centre Génie Industriel IMT Mines-Albi / SIReN Lab Georgia Tech

The Centre Génie Industriel involves 70 people and is interested in the kinetics of organizations and the development of decision support solutions in heterogeneous, collaborative and uncertain contexts. The Centre Génie Industriel conducts applied research activities through collaborative projects based on public funding (regional, national and international) but more mainly on private funding in the form of joint industrial research laboratories in direct partnership with industrial players.

The SIReN Lab is an international shared reserach Lab between IMT Mines Albi and Georgia Tech. It is focused on the design of management and decision making environments (control tower, immersive dashboard) to deal with networks and systems immersed in unstablme and uncertain environment. The SIReN lab involves a dozen of researchers including shared PhD students, faculties and engineers.


The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.

The event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/

60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty – GFA celebrates 60 years of German-French relations

Exactly 60 years ago, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles De Gaulle signed the Treaty of Friendship in the Élysée Palace. With this agreement, the two neighbors paved the way for a prosperous common future in the heart of Europe after long enmity and wars.

Today, the current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Emmanuel Macron, as well as other politicians and invited guests, met at the Sorbonne University to celebrate this anniversary.

The GFA also celebrates this day, which makes its mission possible, namely to promote and actively shape bilateral research, higher education and industrial relations in the Industry of the Future.

Macron stressed today that Germany and France “cleared the path to reconciliation,” and must therefore “become pioneers to relaunch Europe.” (According to: https://www.dw.com/en/scholz-and-macron-celebrate-60-years-of-elysee-treaty/a-64480184)

It was the same spirit that helped founding the GFA in 2015, when Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) reacted to the idea of President Macron and former Chancellor Angela Merkel to create a French-German research and innovation network accompanying the digitalization of industry processes focusing on AI, cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing and network cooperation. Since then, the GFA helped develop a total of 30 French-German research projects, directly involving more than 175 researchers, PhD students and engineers as well as more than 30 industrial partners.

The GFA is at the forefront of innovation and will continue it’s mission with a year full of bilateral events, calls-for-projects and other networking activities to support bringing Germany, France and Europe to the cutting edge in the Industry of the Future.

We thank all researchers, companies, network partners and the many people who have helped us in our mission so far and will continue to support us in the future!

[TALK27] A Semantic Investigation System – François Khourbiga (Defants, FR)

On Wed, Jan 25th, 2023, 2pm CET, François Khourbiga (Defants, FR), will talk about “A Semantic Investigation System“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/27 with your interested friends!

Trailer: https://youtu.be/7FW6SwGN3tk
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:7020742646042087424/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/719867933140681/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdA_doZdlhw&list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd&index=1
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream

Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr

Help us spreading the news

The best talks are those with an interested diverse audience! Therefore, please use the following media to spread the news in your networks: 

Thank you!


We provide an overview of how we built a semantic forensic cyber security system based on the Notional SemaFor system proposed by DARPA. We will provide a quick look at the context of digital forensics and incident response, as well as the challenges posed by the state of the art. Then, we will present the four major topics we address to build a forensic semantic system: mutlimodal representations, reasoning ensembles, explanation & integration, and semantic models.

The talk will conclude with a concrete result on how it is used in cybersecurity and provide next steps for future work.

Watch the trailer here.

François Khourbiga

François Khourbiga is the CEO and co-founder of Defants. He spent 20 years working in Cybersecurity for the ANSSI attached to French Prime Minister services as Incident Responder and has helped many organization to face cyberattacks during 10 years. Then, he joined the French Ministry of Armed Forces as an Cyberdefense Engineerer in a reverse-engineering team for security research and development. After 15 years in public services, he was in charge of a research and development team at Orange Cyberdefense in charge of building the next generation of product for the company, before joining Mandant, one leader in Incident Response Services, as Incident Responder to help large companies facing the most advanced persistent threats.

in 2019, he went back to school at l’Ecole Polytechnique to follow an Executive Master program to develop its skills in entreupreneurship in the design, deployment and management with a strong technological and innovation dimension, in an international context.


Defants is a cybersecurity software development company, based in Rennes (France), and our mission is to redefine digital forensic and incident response (DFIR). The DFIR requires higly-skilled expert in a shortage of talent context, an excessive number of non-interoperable tools, and consumes a tremendous amount of time. We provide an eXtended DFIR Platform that brings together the automation of tools, the collaboration between junior and senior experts and make the DFIR simpler, faster and straigthforward. Our unique platform uses our semantic investigation engine to uncover the tactics and techniques used by attackers, because habits die hard.


The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.

The event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/

[TALK26] Securing the Cloud: Encryption and Data Protection – Guillaume Neau (Amazon Web Services, FR)

On Wed, Jan 11th, 2023, 2pm CET, Guillaume Neau (Amazon Web Services AWS, FR), will talk about “Securing the Cloud: Encryption and Data Protection“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/26 with your interested friends!

Trailer: https://youtu.be/vIyJA3EKJ0M
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:7018524857814417409/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/690341442732802/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk91D-vdvyk&list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd&index=1
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream

Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr

Help us spreading the news

The best talks are those with an interested diverse audience! Therefore, please use the following media to spread the news in your networks: 

Thank you!


Data protection is a key topics for many organizations and yet many of them often struggle to deploy a comprehensive strategy to protect their assets. In that talk we will get a holistic view of what it means when deploying information system on AWS. We will cover all the relevant area from compliance to European Regulation and data localization to memory encryption and confidential computing. By lowering the entry bar, we will understand how AWS is changing the game when it comes down to information security and how key security concepts like “security by design” and “0-trust” or “self-healing” system are now a reality in the cloud.

Watch the trailer here.

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume is a Sr. Solutions Architect with a specialization in information security and work for Amazon Web Service in France. In his day-to-day job Guillaume’s advises customer about their information technology and security strategy as well as partner with operational team to design scalable, resilient and secure information systems. Guillaume is passioned about information technology for the positive impact it can have on people lives and the societal changes that it drives.

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS)

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. These cloud computing web services provide distributed computing processing capacity and software tools via AWS server farms. One of these services is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which allows users to have at their disposal a virtual cluster of computers, available all the time, through the Internet. AWS’s virtual computers emulate most of the attributes of a real computer, including hardware central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) for processing; local/RAM memory; hard-disk/SSD storage; a choice of operating systems; networking; and pre-loaded application software such as web servers, databases, and customer relationship management (CRM).

AWS services are delivered to customers via a network of AWS server farms located throughout the world. Fees are based on a combination of usage (known as a “Pay-as-you-go” model), hardware, operating system, software, or networking features chosen by the subscriber required availability, redundancy, security, and service options. Subscribers can pay for a single virtual AWS computer, a dedicated physical computer, or clusters of either. Amazon provides select portions of security for subscribers (e.g. physical security of the data centers) while other aspects of security are the responsibility of the subscriber (e.g. account management, vulnerability scanning, patching). AWS operates from many global geographical regions including seven in North America.

Amazon markets AWS to subscribers as a way of obtaining large-scale computing capacity more quickly and cheaply than building an actual physical server farm.All services are billed based on usage, but each service measures usage in varying ways. As of 2021 Q4, AWS has 33% market share for cloud infrastructure while the next two competitors Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud have 21%, and 10% respectively, according to Synergy Group.


The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.

The event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion.

The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.

The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.

You can add the event calendar via ICSwebcalHTML.

How the digital transformation is changing our lives

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.

Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.

What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.

Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/


Watch the recording of our latest event “Innovation cultures in Germany, France and Overseas”!