[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Reconfigurable Production 2020: Artificial Intelligence – Michael F. Zaeh  (TU Munich)

On November 19th, 2020 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh (TU Munich, Germany) gave the keynote “Artificial Intelligence – Just a new keyword or can production technology profit from it?” at our Winter School on Reconfigurable Production. You are cordially invited to watch the recording on Youtube.

About Michael F. Zaeh

The research activities of Professor Zaeh (b. 1963) focus on machine tools and generative production methods, production technology and cognition for engineering systems.  
Professor Zaeh graduated in mechanical engineering from TUM, where he also earned his doctorate degree in 1993 under the supervision of Professor Milberg, at the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (IWB). From 1994 to 1995, he was Chief Engineer and Department Head for Machine Tools and Production Technology under the direction of Professor Reinhart. In 1996, he switched over to the private sector, working for a manufacturer of machine tools used for gear wheel machining, where he held various management positions. In 2002, Professor Zaeh accepted the Chair of Machine Tools and Production Technology at TUM and has held the position of Director of the IWB since then.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Reconfigurable Production 2020: Servitized Business Models – Xavier Boucher (IMT Mines Saint-Étienne)

On November 19th, 2020 Prof. Xavier Boucher (École de Mines de Saint-Étienne, France) gave the keynote “Servitized Business Models versus Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems” at our Winter School on Reconfigurable Production. You are cordially invited to watch the recording on Youtube.

About Xavier Boucher

Xavier Boucher is a professor in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management and research director for the Fayol Institute at École de Mines de Saint-Étienne. His research domains are:

  • Industry of the Future, Digitalisation, Industry 4.0
  • Servicisation, Product-Service Systems
  • Modelling, Integration and Management of Production Systems
  • Organisational Agility : virtual organizations, logistic networks
  • Agility of Information systems
  • Enterprise Architecture ; Integration of Competence Dimension in Enterprise Architecture

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

Metaverse – threat or opportunity for the French-German industry? – Panel Discussion at Bits&Pretzels in Munich, Sept. 25, 3:55pm

Besides having a booth at Europe’s leading founders festival Bits&Pretzels 2022, the GFA is joining the La French Tech Munich Stage on Sunday September 25 with a panel discussion on “Metaverse – threat or opportunity for the French-German industry?

When talking about the Metaverse most people immediately think about Facebook and their rebranding to “Meta” in early 2022. And indeed the company announced working on a VR social platform. But that is the keyword, VR or virtual reality! Metaverse is a term that is still vague and complex and can be brought into context with virtual reality, cyberspace and smart spaces, because the Metaverse is still being built and therefor still to be defined in detail. “The Wired” states, that this is because the term doesn’t really refer to any one specific type of technology, but rather a broad (and often speculative) shift in how we interact with technology. And as you may guess, this opens the door to a lot of opportunities and dangers in the process. In our panel discussion we want to share some of these pros and cons to help Germany and France shaping the future of a (European) Metaverse.

Therefore, we invited three wonderful speakers that will join our moderator Paul-Guilhem Meunier (GFA) on stage:

More information under: https://www.bitsandpretzels.com/festival/program/french-tech-stage

Speakers of the Panel

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Reconfigurable Production 2020: Servitization @ Boa Concept – Nawel Bekkaye and Jean-Lucien Rascle

On November 19th, 2020 Nawel Bekkaye and Jean-Lucien Rascle gave a keynote at our Winter School on Reconfigurable Production. You are cordially invited to watch the recording on Youtube.

About Nawel Bekkaye

Nawel Bekkaye is External relations manager at Boa Concept. Communication is for her a clever mix between creativity, passion and precision. Having worked in associations, start-ups and small and medium-sized companies, she has developed a great versatility that allows her to take on transversal subjects combining the technical aspects of the industrial world in which she evolves, with the creativity and the strength of proposal necessary to her job.

About Jean-Lucien Rascle

Jean-Lucien Rascle is President of Boa Concept. He is a generalist engineer having developed solid knowledge in business management, real time computing, warehouse management computing, automation, mechanization and electronics. Able to manage and mobilize teams on both industrial and research and development projects. Inventive, able to think outside the box to achieve real innovations by synthesizing various techniques.

Specialties: Company management, software development, automation, project management, commercial law, patents, company creation.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

Our booth at Bits&Pretzels, Sept 25-27, 2022

Bits&Pretzels is Europe’s leading founders festival. Once a year founders and enthusiasts from the start-up scene meet in Munich at the festival to find and give inspiration through lectures and network among each other.

The organizers of Bits&Pretzels together with La French Tech have chosen France as the guest country for 2022.

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future will this year be part of the festival with a booth and a panel discussion on the “French Tech Munich Stage.

Join 5,000 founders, investors, and startup enthusiasts for three days full of learning, networking & inspiration.

… and look out for our booth at the ecosystem of la French Tech Munich!


Panel Discussion on Sunday Sept 25 at 3:55 pm

The GFA is joining the La French Tech Munich Stage on Sunday September 25 with a panel discussion on “Metaverse – threat or opportunity for the French-German industry?

For that opportunity we invited three wonderful speakers that will join our moderator Paul-Guilhem Meunier (GFA) on stage:

Interview from Business France with the GFA: Three questions for the GFA

On September 6th, 2022 Business France interviewed Cosima Stocker, project manager and head of industry relations at the GFA. This is a good opportunity to learn more about us and our network that supports Franco-German industrial cooperation in the field of digitalization.


What is the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future?

The Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA) is a strategic partnership to foster close cooperation between two leading European research institutions, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany and the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) in France, thereby strengthening Franco-German relations. The aim of the RIA is to meet the challenges of the increasing digitalization of industrial processes through joint research, teaching and innovation…

Read more:

German version: https://world.businessfrance.fr/deutschland/2022/09/05/drei-fragen-an-die-deutsch-franzoesische-akademie/

French version: https://www.teamfrance-export.fr/grandest/infos-sectorielles/19844/19844-3-questions-a-lacademie-franco-allemande-pour-lindustrie-du-futur?slugSecteur=industrie&codePays=DE (you will have to sign up for free)

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Future IoT with the Keynote “Digital Twin a Mixed Reality in the industry” by Pierre Bégout

On Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021, at 1:00 pm CET, Pierre Bégout from IMT Atlantique gave a keynote entitled “Digital Twin a Mixed Reality in the industry” at the 4th Future-IoT.org PhD school that is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber and Security”.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording!


The purpose of the keynote is to give the audience all the keys to understand the AWS cloud and the associated value proposition regarding information security. Guillaume will first introduce AWS and it’s peculiar vision of cloud computing. He then will explain how to build resillient and secure applications on AWS while presenting the key security principles of cloud security. Guillaume will talk about self-healing systems, high-availibity, serverless,

Abstract keynote: In a context of industrial evolution, reorganization of production means, a need for industrial agility to meet increasingly unpredictable customer demand, and the transition to Industry 4.0, it is becoming important to be able to adapt production according to demand and to anticipate issues.

The Digital Twin has been designed to overcome such issues by providing a clone of the real factory on which we can perform tests and try new designs digitally. This talk will focus on the use of Digital Twin in industry and its pairing with VR and AR, and an exemple of implementation in a boiler factory.

About Pierre Bégout

Final year PHD student at the campus Brest of IMT Atlantique. He is working on Digital Twin in industry for the training of operators.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

About the Future-IoT.org PhD schools (#fiot)

The Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school series takes place once a year since 2018 and circles around the topic IoT and it’s use cases like automation, mobility and security. The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of th

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Future IoT with the Keynote “Cybersecurity as key challenge of the industrial Internet of Things” by Tiago Gasiba, Santiago Suppan (Siemens)

On Nov 30, 2021, at 9 am CET, Tiago Gasiba and Santiago Suppan from Siemens, Germany, gave a keynote entitled “Cybersecurity as a key challenge of the industrial Internet of Things”.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording!

ALSO CHECK OUT THE FUTURE IOT SUMMER SCHOOL 2022, AUG 29 – SEPT 2 IN BERLIN & ONLINE: https://school.future-iot.org/


Cybersecurity is gaining more and more attention over the last years. In this talk we will briefly motivate and discuss important steps that companies need to take to address this topic. Our talk will address the product security lifecycle based on the OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Level. Towards the end of our talk we will shift our focus to secure coding as an important milestone of software development. We will also briefly introduce CyberSecurity Challenges – a new serious game to raise awareness of secure coding for software developers in the industry. This game has been developed at Siemens in partnership with academia, and will be offered as an hands-on event.

About Santiago Suppan

Santiago Suppan was awarded the grade of Master of Science in business informatics with honors by the University of Regensburg and the Bavarian Elite Network in 2012. In 2018, he finished his doctorate studies (Dr. rer. pol.) within the University of Regensburg and after being granted a doctorate scholarship by Siemens AG Corporate Technology, where he accompanied several funded research projects and researched security in industrial systems, the smart grid, privacy by design and privacy-enhancing technologies in the area of the Internet of Things (focus area), holding academic publications and industry patents. Today, he advises, trains, and coaches business units worldwide as a security consultant and as an engagement manager at Siemens AG.

About Tiago Gasiba

Tiago Gasiba has been awarded the Engineering degree in Telecommunications, Electronics, and Computers from Oporto University in 2002. In 2004 he completed his Master of Science in Communications Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. He is currently finalizing his PhD (Dr.rer.nat) at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. Tiago Gasiba has published more than thirty papers on the topics of channel coding and serious games for Cybersecurity in international scientific conferences. He holds several patents in the field of cyber security, and he has more than twenty years of experience in the industry. Tiago Gasiba has been invited as a guest lecturer at the University of Passau, Iscte in Portugal, and UniBW in Germany. In his current role, Tiago Gasiba works as a security trainer and is responsible for several workshops on security awareness and secure software development, as part of his role on secure software enablement at Siemens.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

About the Future-IoT.org PhD schools (#fiot)

The Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school series takes place once a year since 2018 and circles around the topic IoT and it’s use cases like automation, mobility and security. The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA). The French-German series is kindly supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande.

Future-IoT.org connects academia and industry. Therefore, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany. The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city! More information on the website!

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Future IoT with the Keynote “Prototyping on Oniro” by Philippe Coval

On Thursday, Dec 2, 2021, at 9:00 am CET, Philippe Coval gave a keynote entitled “Prototyping on Oniro” at the 4th Future-IoT.org PhD school that is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber and Security”.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording!

ALSO CHECK OUT THE FUTURE IOT SUMMER SCHOOL 2022, AUG 29 – SEPT 2 IN BERLIN & ONLINE: https://school.future-iot.org/


Based on his experiences, Philippe will explain the gap between a maker prototype and a sustainable ecosystem that would match market’s standards.

Publishing a code under “FLOSS” license is a good start but it’s usually not enough for project sustainability, like grabbing some component for “free” will have a cost soon or later.

The opensource philosophy is to not reinvent the wheel, so your value will probably work on common base, but choose wisely!
What does this platform provide in term of terms of security, IP compliance? What is the cost of hardware enablement or just software maintenance ?

Talk will be illustrated with some demos from previous Automotive “CampOSV” sessions in Rennes, the Oniro project will be also introduced and how prototyping can be essential for the development of foundations of a bigger ambitious ecosystem.

Oniro project is a decentralized Operating system which aims to defragment software development by using the best components and practices already adopted by community and industry
(like Linux or Zephyr kernel and Yocto’s bitbake tool).

Starting by doing is a good way to learn, working alone can be quick but working together will bring you further.

Everyone is welcome now to join the oniro project at https://oniroproject.org/

About Philippe Coval

Philippe Coval is a professional OpenSource Engineer,
who has been supporting FLOSS communities since late 1990ies. Over decades, he has contributed to many projects from Operating Systems (Debian, Tizen) to IoT frameworks (IoTivity, WebThings) and more.

He also advocated for FLOSS at various occasions (FOSDEM, ELC…), or shared proof of concepts online.
Currently contributing to the Oniro project he is always open for potential cooperation.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

About the Future-IoT.org PhD schools (#fiot)

The Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school series takes place once a year since 2018 and circles around the topic IoT and it’s use cases like automation, mobility and security. The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA). The French-German series is kindly supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande.

Future-IoT.org connects academia and industry. Therefore, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany. The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city! More information on the website!

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Future IoT with the Keynote “Using Blockchain technology for Cybersecurity” by Prabhakaran Kasinathan (Siemens)

On Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021, at 1 pm CET, Prabhakaran Kasinathan, Research Scientist, Cybersecurity Technology, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany gave a keynote entitled “Using Blockchain technology for Cybersecurity” at the 4th Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school that is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber and Security”.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording!

ALSO CHECK OUT THE FUTURE IOT SUMMER SCHOOL 2022, AUG 29 – SEPT 2 IN BERLIN & ONLINE: https://school.future-iot.org/


Securing distributed and collaborative business processes that involve Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) devices or services in a cross-organizational context is a challenging task. It becomes even more difficult when the involved parties do not trust each other completely. This keynote presents some real-world industrial use cases where there is a need to enforce cross-organizational business processes without a trusted third party and how state-of-the-art technologies and research addresses the problem.

About Prabhakaran Kasinathan

Dr. Prabhakaran Kasinathan is a research scientist at Cybersecurity Technology, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. He is working in the field of IoT security since 2012 and he has published in security conferences such as ACM SIGSAC and ESORICS, and in IoT conferences such as EWSN and WiMob. His current research interests include internet-of-things (IoT) security, blockchain, and cloud security. He works in international and European Union-funded projects like “Cyber Security for Europe” – cybersec4europe.eu and “A Comprehensive Cyber-Intelligence framework for Collaborative Manufacturing Systems” – collabs-project.eu.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

About the Future-IoT.org PhD schools (#fiot)

The Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school series takes place once a year since 2018 and circles around the topic IoT and it’s use cases like automation, mobility and security. The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA). The French-German series is kindly supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande.

Future-IoT.org connects academia and industry. Therefore, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany. The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city! More information on the website!