Industrial Decarbonization: Only Hero if Zero?
We would like to cordially invite you to our GFA Easter Breakfast on the topic “Industrial Decarbonization: Only Hero if Zero?”.
8:50 Opening of the Zoom meeting
9:00 Welcome by the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA) and short introduction round
9:15 Impulse speech by Stefan Unterhuber, Senior Director Decarbonization at Atos:
“Product Carbon Footprints: Are you still calculating or taking action already?” and Q&A
9:30 Impulse speech by Professor Miranda Scheurs, Chair of Environmental and Climate Policy, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology:
“Integrating Digital Technologies into the Franco-German Sustainability Partnership” and Q&A
9:45 Open discussion
10:00 Closing and farewell (GFA)
We look forward to seeing you online!