Smart World! Smart Europe? Conference on digital sovereignty
Amerikahaus Karolinenplatz 3, MunichOne of today’s most urgent challenges for research, industry and public institutions is the need for European Digital Sovereignty.
One of today’s most urgent challenges for research, industry and public institutions is the need for European Digital Sovereignty.
Apply now for our Call for Ideas on European Digital Sovereignty!
The GFA will be present as part of the French-German Tech Lab in Hall 1. Stay tuned for updates!
In our summer school, we will introduce you to the fascinating world of the Industrial Internet of Things, the IoT that makes factories run. You will learn about many different aspects from device manufacturing over communication protocol and semantics to application management.
This year’s edition has the title “IoT meets Autonomy“. Many of the computer systems around us work autonomously. They simply run without human intervention, adapt to their environment, or even evolve with mechanisms such as Machine Learning.Implementing such functionality can be challenging. These challenges are not only technical but also ethical, societal, juridic, etc. In this years edition, we will explore different forms of autonomy using the IoT as use case. Topics include but are not limited to Data Analytics, Machine Learning, IoT protocols, self-*, cybersecurity.
The GFA will be present at Bits&Pretzels 2022 in Munich which, together with La French Tech, has chosen France as a guest country. Stay tuned for updates!
Want to create or scale up your startup in America? Or in Germany instead, or even France? We want to show you the differences between the innovation cultures in those countries. Join us to listen to dedicated experts from Germany, France and Overseas, and get in touch to discuss with them afterwards. After a short […]
Interview Series "" On Wed, April 19th, 2023, 2pm CET, Pierre PARREND (Laboratoire de Recherche de l’EPITA / Laboratoire ICube – Unistra), will talk about “Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks“. You are cordially invited to come or join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link with your […]
The call is addressed to researchers from TUM and IMT or to researchers that want to team up with researchers of these institutions. (In the second case the GFA can help you find collaborators from these institutions. Please contact us beforehand.) It is obligatory to have minimum one founding member of the GFA (IMT or […]
On Fri, May 12th, 2023, 3pm CET, Kemal Akkaya (Florida International University, USA), will talk about “Enabling Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy“. You are cordially invited to come or join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link with your interested friends! Trailer: LinkedIN Event: Facebook Event: Youtube: Stream redirect (for every edition):
The GFA will be present as part of the French-German Tech Lab (#FGTL23). Find more info on our website: More info, speakers and detailed program:
Akkodis, a global digital engineering company and Smart Industry leader, in collaboration with the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA) – founded by the France’s Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) – holds the third German-French Industry of the Future Workshop. The workshop, which aims to expand German-French […]