Preserving personal data while ensuring contact tracing in times of crises
This is a seed phase project lasting from 6 up to 9 months.
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent that technologies of proximity and contact tracing may prove vital to the limiting of viral spread, hereby becoming an important tool of pandemic control. While contact tracing has often taken on the shape of paper forms to be filled out by hand, the emergence of IT-based solutions to proximity and contact tracing promise to simplify, accelerate and improve the accuracy of contact tracing approaches toward pandemic control.
As those technologies are still in the process of formation, this interdisciplinary project seeks to further the understanding of how a variety of different tracing and tracking solutions may be implemented in the management of the current COVID-19 pandemic and future crisis. Bringing together researchers from the fields of cybersecurity, business engineering and economics, network architectures, law and technology as well as sociology ; this project presents a comprehensive perspective on the preconditions for responsible and reliable usage of these new applications.
#Contact tracing #RFID #QR-Codes #Privacy #Security
Not only the conventional pen-and-paper method to collect contact data, but also many digital solutions lead to risks that unauthorized persons access personal data, which may have serious consequences.
Our goals
The projects aims to:
- Explore everyday practices of contact-tracing, evaluating general and context-specific usage-patterns of application-users and settings for collection of personal data for contact tracing;
- Investigate approaches for privacy-preserving collection and processing of personal data;
- Understand current possibilities of application in German and European law.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle
Prof. Dr. Christian Djeffal
M.A. Kevin Weller