Between France and Germany, studying the metamorphosis of industry beyond borders
The digital transformation of companies covers not only technological but also organisational challenges that must be better understood so that it is first and foremost at the service of human beings and thus guarantee their good economic and social development.
The research project “Industry whithout borders” brings together different research teams from the Mines-Telecom Institute and the Technical University of Munich. Resolutely interdisciplinary, it combines sociologists, economists and specialists in management and strategy. The objective of this project is to better understand how digital transformation is changing the boundaries of the companyand its modes of control.
#Industry 4.0 #Management #Sociology

In this project we investigate the complex relations between organizations and their environments by focusing on how organizations interrogate, span, open up, protect, and negotiate their multiple borders.
Our goals
- Better understand how the implementation, within companies, of current digital innovations contributes to the redefinition of internal and external boundaries within the organization;
- Enable companies to better understand the organizational implications of the digital innovations they develop in order to help them better master the economic, social and human challenges associated with them;
- Better understand how those same innovations enable companies to renew the forms of control they exercise over their employees, but also over their socio-economic environments.

Prof. Dr. Madeleine Besson
Dr. Jean-Sébastien Vayre