Our speaker series continues after a longer summer break with another highlight: a fireside talk on Generative AI! On Fri, Nov 24th, 2023, 2pm CET, we welcome Alexander Loth from Microsoft Germany for an exchange on “Generative AI: Ethical Quandaries and the Spread of Misinformation”.
You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/32 with your interested friends!
Trailer: https://youtu.be/zYsnJakOS3M
LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7131278690893590529
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2428888943957083/
Youtube: https://youtu.be/ca8kuBqsz_I?list=PLdftPKA9mTfaDJxqwexil2mPhUFIA9ITd
Stream redirect (for every edition): https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream
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Generative AI has emerged as a disruptive technology with the potential to create content indistinguishable from that produced by humans. While this presents numerous opportunities for innovation and creativity, it also poses significant cybersecurity and ethical risks, particularly the spread of misinformation. This talk will explore the challenges associated with generative AI, including its role in the creation and spread of deepfakes, its potential to exacerbate the fake news phenomenon, and its implications for privacy and security. We will also discuss strategies to mitigate these risks, such as the development of detection algorithms, the establishment of ethical guidelines for AI development, and the importance of digital literacy and critical thinking skills for the public.
Watch the trailer linked above!
Alexander Loth
Alexander Loth is a seasoned digital strategist and data scientist with more than 14 years of experience. He currently works at the Microsoft AI For Good Research Lab. His career includes prestigious roles at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and leading companies such as Tableau, Capgemini, and SAP. He holds an Executive MBA with graduate research focused on machine learning algorithms for big data processing, data science, and cybersecurity. An accomplished author, Alexander has written several books, including Decisively Digital, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, and Visual Analytics with Tableau. With over 30,000 followers on LinkedIn, he is an influential voice in digital transformation, AI, and business analytics, and actively shares his insights on social platforms and through his blog, alexloth.com.
About Microsoft
Microsoft is the worldwide leader in information technology, consumer electronics and services. Renowned for its commitment to innovation, Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. The company’s AI and cybersecurity initiatives are at the forefront of solving some of the world’s most challenging technology dilemmas, with a focus on responsible AI and secure digital ecosystems.
The Cyber CNI Lecture Series is a free monthly event that typically takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 2pm to 3h30pm CET.
The standard event consists of a 45-minute expert presentation followed by a 45-minute discussion. The special fireside talks emphasize more the discussion and only have a short impulse presentation at the beginning.
The Cyber CNI Speaker series aims to raise awareness and understanding of cyber security issues among all audiences. It aims to enable an ongoing dialogue between experts from industry and academia and the general public (citizens, families, small and large businesses, public organizations, etc.). All of us are concerned.
The events are broadcast live on Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/) and LinkedIn, allowing worldwide remote participation – including a tool to participate in the discussion.
You can add the event calendar via ICS, webcal, HTML.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown all of us the benefits of information technology. It allows us to work at a distance, to live at a distance, and most importantly, to keep in touch at a distance – with younger and older people, those closest to us, and even make new contacts.
Our society relies more and more on information and operational technologies. Examples include water, energy, heat and cooling supply, communications, healthcare, production and processing of goods, transportation, national security, banking, research and education, and food production.
What all these areas have in common is that they make intensive use of networked distributed computer systems. These systems can be attacked in many ways. This is no longer just a problem for computer “pros” because computer systems are essential to all of us. The effects of “cyber-attacks” range from power outages to the collapse of the health care or banking sectors.
Program and registration: https://talk.cybercni.fr/