Call for Proposals: Research and Education 2025
Our CFP for #research and #education is online! If you plan a research project and want to work with IMT or TUM, please apply until February 21st! For more info follow the link!
Our CFP for #research and #education is online! If you plan a research project and want to work with IMT or TUM, please apply until February 21st! For more info follow the link!
Recap of “GreenHack~IT 2024” our hackathon in AI and ML. We had a great time at TélécomParis. The students did an awesome job and went home happy!
The GFA Flag Attack 2023 – The French-German Capture the Flag (CTF) event, held on December 5-6 at Campus Cyber in La Défense, Paris, proved to be a resounding success. Read the full recap!
We present our Capture the Flag Challenge 2023! Dec 5-6 at Campus Cyber (Paris). 2 days of challenge and knowledge for master students from IMT and TUM! Stay tuned for more info and check our website!
In May we published our 3rd CfP “Education and Knowledge”. With the emergence of advanced technologies and increased automation, it has become imperative for higher education institutions to incorporate up-to-date learning formats to meet the skill-set demands of current industrial needs. New and existing formats for intensive tuition enable students to stay abreast of cutting-edge technologies and develop competencies needed for careers in the Industry of the Future.
Our call was addressed to researchers from TUM and IMT or to researchers that wanted to team up with researchers of these institutions. As it is one of our core missions to foster the French-German relations, it was also obligatory that the projects take place on a French-German scale or even an international scale.
This year we received again high quality proposals from brilliant researchers. These projects will be supported from us over the next year:
Summer School “ai4industry”, July 24-28, 2023,
online and on-site at Mines Saint Etienne (France) and Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) (3rd edition)
The summer school aims to teach the state of the art of the use of AI technologies and models to tackle the challenges of data revolution and to increase automation of cognitive tasks to develop a trustful and resilient Industry 4.0 (or Industry of the Future). The summer school is organized around concrete industry problems structured as use cases. These use cases aim to stimulate the discussion at the academic institutions toward addressing real-world problems and to showcase innovative solutions to industrial partners. More info here:
Workshop “5G Advanced for the Industry of the Future”,
September 21-22 at EURECOM in Sophia Antipolis (France)
We are delighted to invite you to attend the 2023 international workshop “5G-Advanced for the Industry of the Future”, where you will learn about the latest innovations in mobile networking, and their benefits for different use cases in the context of some of the industry 4.0 leaders. You will also gain insight on what can be expected from the latest R&D national programs in France, Germany and beyond, offering a glimpse into future opportunities related to 6G. The workshop will be held at EURECOM at the heart of Sophia Antipolis, where the leading industry labs and academic research centers meet to build the Future. More info here:
Hackathon “GreenHack~IT”, 4 days in spring 2024 (2nd edition)
GreenHack~IT endeavors to let final year French and German graduate students (LMD +5) well versed in machine learning and data analytics, unleash their creativity and skill, and challenge themselves through participation in a hackathon, by tackling a significant industrial problem in light of sustainable development objectives that will contribute to ushering the age of Industry 4.0. Relevance in terms of initial and vocational education and/or life-long learning – Although both TUM and IMT students receive high-quality education, nothing replaces hands-on experience on real-life problems, within a time-constrained setting, close to what they would face in their future jobs. This is precisely what GreenHack~IT will provide to students, an opportunity to be better prepared for their future careers but also a type of experience held in high esteem by companies. Website of the last edition in 2022:
Capture the Flag Platform “CyberCTF”, launch end of 2024
Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges are probably best known from cybersecurity contexts. However, the concept can also be applied to other learning material, putting gamification elements and competition in the foreground for motivating learners to invest a lot of energy in learning.
Cybersecurity is a key competency for industry today. It is necessary for almost all branches since Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems are ubiquitous. Providing more and better teaching in cybersecurity is therefore a central requirement on a global scale. This project focuses on the German-French context, giving learners in our tandem area an advantage that can help increasing productivity in both countries.
The motivation behind this project is to leverage the educational benefits of Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions as a powerful tool for teaching practical skills including hacking skills in the cybersecurity context. CTF competitions are popular in the cybersecurity community and are often organized as part of cybersecurity workshops, conferences, and industry events. By presenting students with a series of purposely designed systems with security vulnerabilities, CTF challenges allow them to practice exploiting these vulnerabilities and obtain flags as proof of successfully mastering each challenge. Through this game-based learning approach, students accumulate points based on the number of flags obtained, fostering a competitive environment.
The project aims to build a CTF platform and use it to enhance students’ understanding of cybersecurity principles and techniques. It also aims to provide them with invaluable hands- on experience in a controlled and simulated environment. By addressing real-world scenarios and domains, such as IoT and automotive systems, this project intends to allow students to gain practical skills to excel in cybersecurity and make them more prepared for future careers in the industry. In traditional classroom settings, such practical skills cannot be gained.
Winter School for the Multiphase Erasmus Mundus Master’s Program
(program starting in 2024, first winter school early 2025)
The MULTIPHASE project proposes an Erasmus Mundus master’s joint program in the booming field of Multiphase Systems, with the ambition of educating a new generation of industrial experts, engineers, and researchers, to bring the Chemical Industry into a new age based on sustainable processes, circular economy and all the potential of digital tools.
This Erasmus Mundus MSc. Program will give the opportunity to learn state-of-the-art knowledge and methods to understand, manipulate and design innovative industrial processes involving particles, drops and bubbles. These systems are ubiquitous in nature and industry: energy, environment, chemical, health, additive manufacturing, …
The GFA is a sponsor for the annual winter school of the master’s program.
More info here:
The digital revolution has drastically changed the landscape of industries, paving the way the for Industry of the Future. With the emergence of advanced technologies and increased automation, it has become imperative for higher education institutions to incorporate up-to-date learning formats to meet the skill-set demands of current industrial needs. Alongside traditional classroom teaching, innovative learning methodologies such as workshops, hackathons and PhD schools are gaining importance. Hackathons are commonly used to cultivate problem-solving and brainstorming abilities in students. Workshops and PhD schools provide students with hands-on experience and exposure to real-world challenges. Networking with experts from the industry and the academic field is also a major asset. These formats enable students to stay abreast of cutting-edge technologies and develop competencies needed for careers in the Industry of the Future. Consequently, the integration of such modern learning formats can be a game-changer for higher education institutions looking to prepare students for the latest developments in the industry.
The call is addressed to researchers from TUM and IMT or to researchers that want to team up with researchers of these institutions. (In the second case the GFA can help you find collaborators from these institutions. Please contact us beforehand.) It is obligatory to have minimum one founding member of the GFA (IMT or TUM) involved in your proposal. As it is one of our core missions to foster the French-German relations, it is very important to us that the project takes place on a French-German scale.
The GFA supports:
Please note: The production of new online courses (MOOCs) will not be supported in this CfP.
Expected outcomes of the CfP “Education & Knowledge” include increased French-German and European collaboration in higher education through initiatives such as Erasmus Mundus and the French-German organization of scientific events. With this call the GFA wants to promote innovation in teaching and learning formats, including new approaches for digital campuses, digital exams, and hybrid formats.
We also expect the development and exchange of good practices in higher education. This could include sharing successful strategies for student engagement, enhancing diversity and inclusion, and improving academic outcomes in our French-German network and beyond.
Through the call informal learning formats beyond universities’ walls, such as workshops, hackathons, and PhD schools are supported. This would help foster collaboration and skill-sharing between students, young entrepreneurs, and industrial experts.
To ensure participants are equipped with interdisciplinary capabilities, career competencies, and technological skills, the call could promote the delivery of such capabilities and encourage knowledge exchange between graduate or PhD students and industry experts.
Overall, we expect our call for proposals to help strengthen the quality and relevance of higher education across French-German and European universities, while also preparing participants for success in their future careers. More generally, the GFA is also strongly interested in German-French collaborations.
We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact Olivia Pahl ( or Diane Baumer (
That was our hackathon GreenHack~IT last December in Munich. Around 50 French and German students accepted the challenge of ArianeGroup to find ways to decrease the energy consumption in their productions sites. Check our News Article for more info & pictures.
A hackathon on Green AI for Industry 4.0
Application of Artificial Intelligence on Industrial problems under a Green IT perspective
Using of AI to optimise existing processes in order to make them more sustainable or green.
The hackathon will take place at the Munich Data Science Institute at the TUM campus in Garching.
We will gather 30 students from Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) in France and 30 students from Technical University of Munich (TUM) to form 10 French-German teams of 6 students to tackle the industrial challenge which will be provided by ArianeGroup.
The students will work 3 days and nights to solve the challenge and the best teams will be elected by a jury consisting of academics, industrial experts from Ariane Group, as well as members from the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future.
This year’s hackathon will take place on December 8-11, 2022
As the participants are already chosen, stay tuned for the next hackathon in 2023. To stay updated on our education projects such as hackathons and summer schools, please check our education page from time to time for news!
A machine learning or a data science hackathon is an event that runs for a consecutive period of time (nights or week-ends), where people get together and work non-stop on data-related projects for practice, recognition, networking and for having fun. Data science hackathons can be challenging to crack for beginners. However, one need not be an expert in the field to participate in one. In fact, competitions or hackathons are a great way to master one’s skills, add badges to one’s resume, find solutions to difficult problems and ultimately, find his/her future job in a fun way.
It is about: collaboration, experimentation, agility and serendipity.
Find more info also on the website of the GreenHack~IT.
The Internet of Things connects everyday objects – smartphones with Bluetooth speakers and smartwatches – but also networks medical devices with each other and is used in logistics, for example. The Future-IoT Summer School brought together (PhD) students, experts and companies to spend a week listening to exciting lectures, exploring the city, and working on challenges around the topic of IoT, because the Internet of Things has already become part of our everyday lives.
The fifth edition of the Summer School was dedicated to the topic “IoT meets Autonomy”: Many of the computer systems around us work autonomously, they just run, completely without human intervention. They adapt to their environment or evolve with machine learning, but the implementation of such functions is often challenging: “The challenges are not only technical, but also ethical, societal, legal, which is why we are dedicating this edition of the Summer School to the topic of ‘autonomy’. In the Challenges, participants will explore different forms of autonomy using IoT as a use case. The topics include data analytics, machine learning, IoT protocols and cybersecurity,” explains Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl, initiator and director of the Summer School and professor for cybersecurity at IMT Atlantique in France.
In the Summer School, the focus was primarily on the Internet of Things in Industry (IIoT). Dr. Jochen Schiller, board member of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and Professor of Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin, welcomed the participants to ECDF: “Much more than all the computers we interact with and see every day, the small computing devices in the Internet of Things will help influence our lives in the future. These billions of networked things must not only be controlled individually, but also operated reliably, robustly and securely in their totality. I therefore very much welcome the PhD School’s initiative “IoT meets Autonomy”, which brings young PhD students closer to the technologies in the Internet of Things in a variety of “hands-on” ways and therefore sheds light on their fascinating possibilities, as well as their limitations, particularly with regard to their (partially) autonomous operation from many different angles,” said Schiller.
After the introductory keynote on IoT meets AI, Prof. Dr. Falko Dressler, Chair of Telecommunications Networks at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Berlin and Principal Investigator at ECDF, introduced Cyber-Physical Systems; this was followed, among others, by contributions from Airbus on autonomy and innovation as a pathfinder for the aviation industry, Siemens on autonomy and Industry 4.0, and Amazon Web Services on AI and the “Smart Territory Framework” that allows smart environments to be built with multiple sensors. In the challenges, the participants partly worked on real problems of the industry partners: “During the week, the participants have the chance to gain insight into many different aspects around the Internet of Things: From device manufacturing to communication protocols and semantics to application management” explains Dr. Fabian Rhein, Manager Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystems.
In the challenges, participants linked moving and grasping robots together, programmed clocks, LED tubes and volume controls to blink simultaneously, and linked smart-home devices together to automatically set the optimal room temperature. Dr. Ana Maria Drăgulinescu, a post-doc at the Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, was participating in the Summer School for the second time: “I have already participated in the Summer School on the topic of “IoT meets AI” in Munich. I really enjoyed the work back then and it also helped me a lot with my PhD thesis. I am happy to be back again this year and to work with my team on another challenge.”
At the end of the week, the interdisciplinary jury was impressed by all the projects and chose the team “Streams for Memes” as the winner of the Summer School. The team, consisting of students Samia Boutalbi, Lucas Camino, Vittorio Ferrentino, Catherine Sai and Charles Thonier under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique), Lars Wüstrich (TUM) and Guillaume Neau (AWS), worked out in their challenge that memes (meaning images with text) are created from a livestream based on predefined keywords – automatically when the word is mentioned.
Since the School Series is a Franco-German collaboration, the next edition will take place in France in late summer 2023. More information and videos of the presentations during the Future-IoT Summer School can be found here.
Stay tuned for the next summer school in 2023:
This article was written and published by the Einstein Center Digital Future (originally in German). Find it here!
On November 19th, 2020 Nawel Bekkaye and Jean-Lucien Rascle gave a keynote at our Winter School on Reconfigurable Production. You are cordially invited to watch the recording on Youtube.
Nawel Bekkaye is External relations manager at Boa Concept. Communication is for her a clever mix between creativity, passion and precision. Having worked in associations, start-ups and small and medium-sized companies, she has developed a great versatility that allows her to take on transversal subjects combining the technical aspects of the industrial world in which she evolves, with the creativity and the strength of proposal necessary to her job.
Jean-Lucien Rascle is President of Boa Concept. He is a generalist engineer having developed solid knowledge in business management, real time computing, warehouse management computing, automation, mechanization and electronics. Able to manage and mobilize teams on both industrial and research and development projects. Inventive, able to think outside the box to achieve real innovations by synthesizing various techniques.
Specialties: Company management, software development, automation, project management, commercial law, patents, company creation.
Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.
The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…
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