
GreenHack~IT 2022 – A great first edition with IMT, TUM and ArianeGroup

That was our hackathon GreenHack~IT last December in Munich. Around 50 French and German students accepted the challenge of ArianeGroup to find ways to decrease the energy consumption in their productions sites. Check our News Article for more info & pictures.

60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty – GFA celebrates 60 years of German-French relations

Exactly 60 years ago, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles De Gaulle signed the Treaty of Friendship in the Élysée Palace. With this agreement, the two neighbors paved the way for a prosperous common future in the heart of Europe after long enmity and wars.

Today, the current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Emmanuel Macron, as well as other politicians and invited guests, met at the Sorbonne University to celebrate this anniversary.

The GFA also celebrates this day, which makes its mission possible, namely to promote and actively shape bilateral research, higher education and industrial relations in the Industry of the Future.

Macron stressed today that Germany and France “cleared the path to reconciliation,” and must therefore “become pioneers to relaunch Europe.” (According to:

It was the same spirit that helped founding the GFA in 2015, when Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) reacted to the idea of President Macron and former Chancellor Angela Merkel to create a French-German research and innovation network accompanying the digitalization of industry processes focusing on AI, cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing and network cooperation. Since then, the GFA helped develop a total of 30 French-German research projects, directly involving more than 175 researchers, PhD students and engineers as well as more than 30 industrial partners.

The GFA is at the forefront of innovation and will continue it’s mission with a year full of bilateral events, calls-for-projects and other networking activities to support bringing Germany, France and Europe to the cutting edge in the Industry of the Future.

We thank all researchers, companies, network partners and the many people who have helped us in our mission so far and will continue to support us in the future!

[#WisdomWednesday] GFA Winter School on Future IoT with the Keynote “IoT meets Cyber and Security” from Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique)

On Monday, Nov 29, 2021, at 9:30 am CET, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Chairholder Chair Cyber CNI, IMT Atlantique, Rennes, France gave a keynote entitled “IoT meets Cyber and Security” at the 4th Ph.D. school that is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber and Security”.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording.



This year’s edition has the title “IoT meets Cyber and Security“. The opening keynote will introduce to the topic and set the frame for an exciting week. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects a plethora of devices. It allows programmers to interact with the physical environment. This brings many fascinating opportunities but also challenges. The keynote will introduce some. Software drives the critical infrastructures around us like water or energy supply, communication, transportation, banking, production, or health care. “IoT meets Cyber and Security“ focuses on different aspects of the software cyberspace, including cybersecurity.

About Marc-Oliver Pahl

Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl heads the Chair of Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures ( at IMT Atlantique in Rennes, France. He is an adjunct professor of Carleton University in Canada. Marc-Oliver also heads the IoT Smart Space research team ( at the Chair for Network Architectures and Services at Technical University of Munich.


Marc-Oliver’s research focus is on a holistic approach to cybersecurity. He works on security-by-design, anomaly detection, human-in-the-loop, and automation. His goal is making cybersecurity manageable, resulting in highly resilient and reliable systems. Marc-Oliver publishes regularly in the network and service management and security communities.

About the GFA Video Series and the #WisdomWednesday

Education is one of the core missions of the GFA. Therefore we have wonderful education projects in the field of industry 4.0, such as summer schools, hackathons and online courses that we organise together with leading universities in Europe. To present our education efforts to a bigger audience and share it with people all over the world, we created the GFA Video Series. Under the hashtag #WisdomWednesday we present interesting talks and keynotes every Wednesday on our website and in our social media. Stay tuned and check also our YouTube Channel.

About the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA)

The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future is a strategic vehicle to promote close collaboration between leading European research institutions and industrial companies. It was founded by the French Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the German Technical University of Munich (TUM). Focused on joint research, education and innovation, the Academy’s mission is to master the challenges accompanying the increasing digitalization of industry processes. Read more…

About the PhD schools (#fiot)

The Ph.D. school series takes place once a year since 2018 and circles around the topic IoT and it’s use cases like automation, mobility and security. The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future (GFA). The French-German series is kindly supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande. connects academia and industry. Therefore, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany. The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city! More information on the website!

Smart World! Smart Europe? – Conference on European Digital Sovereignty

On 11 and 12 May 2022, we held our first big conference on European Digital Sovereignty in Munich.

You are cordially invited to watch the recording of the first day…

and the second day, too!

The conference focused on ideas that seek to advance Digital European Sovereignty. For this purpose we brought together relevant experts from society, academia and industry. Overall the conference seeks to raise awareness on the topic of European Digital Sovereignty, and generate concrete solutions on future education, research, governance.

On the first day, we showed ideas for solutions to advance European Digital Sovereignty, especially presented by groups of students from all over Europe.

On the second day, we integrated politics’, academia’s and industry’s challenges with these ideas.

5th PhD school “IoT meets Autonomy”, 29.8.-2.9.2022 in Berlin

We celebrate our 5th anniversary this year! We cordially invite you to our 5th PhD school on “IoT meets Autonomy” from Aug 29th – Sep 2nd, 2022 at the Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin, Germany. Expect a week full of exciting challenges, keynotes, PhD pitches, networking, sight seeing, and more – short, a lot of fun is awaiting you. Inform your friends! Share the info! Subscribe to the news! Participate with your company in the organisation! More info and registration at

This year’s edition has the motto “IoT meets Autonomy“. Many of the computer systems around us work autonomously. They simply run without human intervention, adapt to their environment, or even evolve with mechanisms such as Machine Learning. Implementing such functionality can be challenging. These challenges are not only technical but also ethical, societal, juridic, etc. In this years edition, we will explore different forms of autonomy using the IoT as use case. Topics include but are not limited to Data Analytics, Machine Learning, IoT protocols, self-*, and cybersecurity.

All in the usual format with a strong participation of our industry partners, including Siemens and AWS, our university partners TU IMT Atlantique, TU München, TU Berlin, Institut Mines Télécom, and our institutional partners German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future and Université Franco-Allemande / Deutsch-Französische Hochschule.

About the PhD school series

The Ph.D. school series happens once a year since 2018. It was started by Marc-Oliver Pahl (back then TU München, now IMT Atlantique) and Nicolas Montavont (IMT Atlantique). In 2022 Sebastian Steinhorst (TUM) joined the organization.

The previous editions are listed in the following. Click on the links to get an impression of what you can expect in the recordings.

The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future. The French-German series is kindly supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande. connects academia and industry. Therefore, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany including Airbus, ArianeGroup, Atos, AWS, elm.leblanc, Siemens, and several other industrial partners.

The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city!

Key facts

  • 40 students from all over the world on-site, connecting to each other and working on real challenges
  • ~60 online participants
  • Live Streaming over YouTube and LinkedIN
  • ~11 Keynotes and lectures from top industrial and academic experts.
  • ~10 exciting challenges you will work on in teams of 4 coming directly from our industry partners in our startup hackathon.
  • 1 icebreaker session with your PhD pitch, opening a great networking event.
  • 1 hacking night with games and pizza.
  • 1 pitch event in front of our expert jury on Friday with prizes!
  • Direct contact to key people of the participating companies.
  • A unique location with excellent food.
  • Multiple social events to get to know all participants and our hosting city
  • and much more!

2019 in review