Metaverse – threat or opportunity for the French-German industry? – Panel Discussion at Bits&Pretzels in Munich, Sept. 25, 3:55pm
Besides having a booth at Europe’s leading founders festival Bits&Pretzels 2022, the GFA is joining the La French Tech Munich Stage on Sunday September 25 with a panel discussion on “Metaverse – threat or opportunity for the French-German industry?“
When talking about the Metaverse most people immediately think about Facebook and their rebranding to “Meta” in early 2022. And indeed the company announced working on a VR social platform. But that is the keyword, VR or virtual reality! Metaverse is a term that is still vague and complex and can be brought into context with virtual reality, cyberspace and smart spaces, because the Metaverse is still being built and therefor still to be defined in detail. “The Wired” states, that this is because the term doesn’t really refer to any one specific type of technology, but rather a broad (and often speculative) shift in how we interact with technology. And as you may guess, this opens the door to a lot of opportunities and dangers in the process. In our panel discussion we want to share some of these pros and cons to help Germany and France shaping the future of a (European) Metaverse.
Therefore, we invited three wonderful speakers that will join our moderator Paul-Guilhem Meunier (GFA) on stage:
- Florian Albert (Co-Founder at AVES Reality)
- Grigory Emelianov (CTO at Secfix)
- Marc-Oliver Pahl (Professor for Cybersecurity at IMT Atlantique and Chairholder at the Chair Cybersecurity for Critical Networked Infrastructures, GFA)
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